fogo island inn makes international traveller’s “100 best hotels and resorts in the world”

September 11th, 2013

The newly opened Fogo Island Inn in Newfoundland, Canada has been named #27 of the 100 Best Hotels and Resorts in the World by Australia’s International Traveller. The magazine claims the list the equivalent of the famous “50 Best Restaurants” list published in the UK.

The list will run in the luxury publication’s September/October Collector’s edition and will also be featured in a dedicated iPad app. It  was assiduously put together by a panel of experts in the field of luxury travel and hotels, including former Vogue Australia editor Kirstie Clements and former Condé Nast Traveller managing editor Claire Wrathall. “The beauty of having a panel of travel writers is they collectively have more than 230 years experience and have seen and stayed at the best the world has to offer. Like the 50 Best Restaurants reviewers, these are the only people in the world with the qualifications to decipher the good from the great, from the best,” says publisher Quentin Long.

Other hotels on the list include Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc (France), Singita Sasakwa (Tanzania), Amangiri, (USA), and Hotel Cipriani (Italy).



The Fogo Island Inn, an architectural gem located on Fogo Island in Iceberg Alley – at the very edge of the continent – is a radical newcomer on the world’s travelscape.

Tangled up in a place of powerful and elemental beauty, to the curious and intrepid it offers a space that quickens the imagination and extends profound outport hospitality.

For press information, please contact:

Kathleen Crotty

Director, PR and Media Relations

Tel:  709-730-2199

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